About Us
I am a registered psychologist and have been in private practice since 2006. Prior to being in this role I have accumulated extensive experience in the community sector (since 1991) in roles including youth worker, family support worker, group facilitator, family and individual counselor and as a psychologist. While I continue to train extensively, I attribute most of my knowledge and experience to the people I have worked with.
My approach is unique and individualized and may not be something you have experienced before. I have a way of working with people that draws ideas from well-known therapies with a purpose to increasing awareness and calm so that each person has the opportunity to approach their lives with all its gifts and challenges with clarity and a commitment for something different. It involves understanding inner voice, relationships, identity, purpose and sense of self in a way that strengthens the way you may see yourself and move through the world. The therapy involves stepping away from feeling stuck in sadness, blame, fear, judgment and confusion and moving towards kindness, compassion, understanding, clarity and a new way of being.
Using these ideas I work with a range of issues, including anxiety, depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, couple and family relationships, adjustment issues, over eating and coping with sickness. I also work to help people be proactive, make the most of their strengths, understand relationships and create a life where they feel like they have a sense of satisfaction and well-being. I work in the context of individual, within a relationship, within a family, within a work team, within a community.
Narrative therapy assists in understanding the current story in depth and helps to notice and develop new more helpful and realistic life stories. Acceptance and Commitment therapy helps to accept what is happening in the present moment and step mindfully through each future moment using strategies that connect you to what you most value in life. Bowen Systems ideas allow you to gain greater depth of understanding of yourself and your reactions in relation to family, friends, work colleagues and community. Together these therapies can help you develop a stronger sense of self, connecting to purpose through awareness and calm.
Looking for a psychologist in Sydney?
Appointments are available on weekdays and Saturday mornings. Medicare and Health fund rebates may apply. For a fee schedule, feel free to contact to phone or email.